Does Using a Sauna Help with Back pain?

Sauna has been proved to provide relief from back pain or sore muscles. But what is the extent of pain that can be cured? Can a regular sauna session relieve you from mild discomfort or even chronic back pain?

Sauna has been widely used across cultures in the past. In the US, its popularity is gradually increasing however in Finland, the vast population is exposed to Saunas due to their invariable health benefits. Sauna induces sweating which helps the body in getting rid of harmful toxins such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium. Dry heat in a sauna increases body temperature, then dilating blood vessels and improving overall blood circulation. Usually, back pain patients resort to medicines to control pain. Consuming pain killers frequently comes with some serious drawbacks – addiction, side effects and so on.

People suffering from pain in the lower lumbar spine region certainly refrain from strenuous work or hitting the gym. The back muscles become tensed and movements can become restricted. It gets worse if you stay immobile. The joint can get locked hence aggravating the problem. Saunas are one of the most effective ways to relax soreness in the muscles when coupled with other workouts and treatments.

How effective is Saunas in treating back pain?

Back pain or lower back pain is usually caused by pulling a muscle or straining spiral ligament. Improper weight lifting can cause strain. Whether in the gym or at home, you should always make sure to keep your back straight and lift heavy objects using your legs. Using sauna on a regular basis can make your back less prone to muscle soreness. Dry heat reaches your muscles far inside, opens the clogged blood vessels. The warmth helps to effectively reduce stiffness of the affected area. Have you ever noticed that back pain or any muscle pull causes the affected area to warm up? It’s no coincidence. The body naturally uses warmth to keep the blood flowing and induce healing and relief. Hence, going to a sauna can be the best treatment for you. The dry heat increase oxygen flow to the muscle, this further aids in white blood cells to increase and fasten recovery.

How to enhance the back relief process using Sauna?

A normal sauna bath along with moderate cooling off periods can relieve from back pain over a course of a few weeks. Maintain your normal spine alignment, take a nutritious diet and regular exercise is key. After lifting in the gym, you can go in for a sauna bath for 15-20 minutes. You can exercise in the sauna for three to five minutes which can reduce pain and even increase flexibility. The strained nerves get a boost and spine will also bend easier in a heated environment. It will leave you relaxed and stress-free. According to the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, ‘Continuous low-level heat wrap therapy is shown to be effective for the treatment of acute, nonspecific lower back pain.

What happens after you come out of the Sauna bath?

A Sauna assists in improving memory and focus. It relieves anxiety or depression. It boosts immunity. Users of dry heat mention a feeling content and rejuvenated. Sauna relieves minor illnesses such as muscle exertion, mild cold and so on. Saunas are known to reduce stress hormones, thus helping muscle soreness recovery as well as mental health. It helps in increasing the longevity of the muscle. It can effectively lift the pain off your back and makes the muscle loosen up. It also improves sleep quality. It gives you a natural drug-free high. You feel as good as you look.

Are there any risks associated with the Sauna?

Make sure to be in a sauna bath for an appropriate amount of time. Consult a doctor before starting your sauna sessions if you suffer from any cardiovascular diseases. Don’t shy away from taking cooling periods simply by moving out of the bath for a short period. Listen to your body and make maximum use of the sauna treatment. Even though there is no study to support the precise duration of the sauna bath that can fit everyone, the most effective is frequent intervals for a shorter period of time such as 15 minutes session every day. To replace for lost fluids, drink enough water.

Do you experience regular back pain?

Has a sauna session relieved you of back pain?

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