5 Ways In Which A Sauna Helps You Lose Weight!

Saunas are becoming increasingly popular not just because of the rich experience but also due to the health benefits they provide. One of the most popular health benefits of saunas being studied lately is weight loss.

The different types of saunas include infrared sauna, wood burning, electrical sauna, and steam rooms. Let’s delve more into the details of how saunas aid in getting rid of the unwanted fat and flab from your body.

1. Increases metabolic rate:

An increased metabolic rate is one of the fastest ways of shedding body weight. If your body immediately metabolizes your food intake and does not store it, you won’t be adding to the stored glycogen reserves in your liver.

Saunas drastically enhance your metabolism slimming you down effectively. Moreover, if you gradually reduce your food intake while your metabolism is at its peak, your body will resort to the stored glycogen and carbs reserves to meet its demands, giving you a leaner appearance.

2. Works as a detoxifier:

The best way to get rid of the toxins and impurities in your system is to sweat them out. But not every one of us possesses an active lifestyle to sweat enough each day. Saunas induce healthy and natural sweating that detoxify your body as quickly as possible.

Sweating also flushes out the electrolytes from your system. Therefore, keep topping up the amount of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in your body.

3. Helps burn calories:

Empty and fattening calories from processed meats, junk food, and oily eatables only add to your body weight. Saunas cause you to shed the extra calories in your body leading towards weight loss.

Physical workouts and regular exercises definitely help burn more calories than just being a couch potato. However, you can catalyze this procedure by incorporating a session of sauna every week to your schedule as part of your weight loss process.

4. Addresses water retention:

Water contributes to almost 5 pounds of your total body weight. The excessive sweating in sauna sessions excretes this water out of your system resulting in quick weight loss. This, in turn, sheds a few pounds in a couple of days as opposed to 7 if you follow a strict diet and weight loss routine.

5. Reduces stress:

One of the major causes of obesity or excess body weight is stress. When the stress hormone cortisol increases in your system, it consequently raises and decreases the levels of hormones ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin induces hunger pangs while leptin suppresses your appetite.

An increased level of ghrelin due to stress results in overeating and increased body weight. Regular sauna sessions are known to reduce your stress levels thereby causing a rapid and healthy decline in your excess and unhealthy body weight.

Summing it up:

Saunas do have an excellent effect on our bodies as far as weight loss is concerned. However, remember to back up your sauna sessions with a good diet, a healthy lifestyle, and regular workouts to ensure that you lose weight quickly and effectively.






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